01 August 2022
"Once a cheater, always a cheater." is a statement we've all heard, especially by Rachel from Friends. Many people believe that it is the truth because they have heard it so many times. While cheating is never justified, this ancient proverb isn't always correct. While there are partners that are considered serial cheaters, not everyone who cheats will cheat again. Those who are turned on by dishonesty are frequently serial cheaters. People with these problems don't seem like a huge deal to people, regardless of how much pain and anguish they cause their relationships, so they are unlikely to change their ways.
It is not incorrect to think about the statement. Many women go through this period of uncertainty about whether or not their partner will cheat again. There are so many competing emotions and sentiments after a partner cheats that it can be tough to work through. The answer to this enticing question is no. It won't always be a straightforward "yes" or "no." Is it going to stay black and white forever? Unfortunately, the answer is "no" again. That isn't how life works, especially when it comes to relationships. Each connection is unique.
Cheating encompasses a much broader concept; it is similar to an onion in that it has numerous layers. Cheating is more than sex or intimacy; it is the betrayal of trust and the breach of a pledge of commitment. Cheating can mean a variety of things, including lying and dishonesty; disrespect; insecurities and low self-esteem; the need for affirmation, and a lack of commitment to one's relationship. The list goes on and on. But first, we must determine the source of the problem. "What went wrong for them to cheat on me?" is the inquiry. However, the more you peel the onion, the more tears will flow, making the cause bitter. Take care of Will you stay in the relationship or leave?
We constantly wonder if it will happen again, which is where the statement originates from. "Once a cheater, always a cheater?"